
The systems and networking group at UCSD engages in a wide range of experimental and theoretical research. Our current projects span fault-tolerant networks and systems, high-speed router design, storage system design, network measurement and traffic analysis, peer-to-peer system design, network security, mobile code architectures, high-performance cluster computing, and wireless networking. Our group consists of eight core faculty, a range of affiliated faculty (in a broad range of areas including security, machine learning and programming languages) and over 50 graduate students and research staff.

People  |   News  |   Publications  |   Sponsors   |   Internal
Amy Ousterhout
Joseph Pasquale
George Porter
Stefan Savage
Aaron Schulman
Alex C. Snoeren
Geoffrey M. Voelker
Yiying Zhang
Yuanyuan Zhou
Affiliated Faculty
Talor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Dinesh Bharadia (ECE)
kc claffy (CAIDA)
Christian Dameff
Earlence Fernandes
Alex Gantman
Nadia Heninger
Ranjit Jhala
Sorin Lerner
Pat Pannuto
George Papen (ECE)
Deian Stefan
Steve Swanson
Research and Administrative Staff
Alex Forencich
Cindy Moore
Jennifer Folkestad
PhD Students
Reyna Abhyankar
Liam Arzola
Rukshani Athapathu
Alex Bellon
Anirudh Canumalla
Junda Chen
Paul Chung
Rajdeep Das
Ben Du
Hadi Givehchian
Linsong Guo
Zhiyuan Guo
Zijian He
Miro Haller
Yutong Huang
Katherine Izhikevich
Evan Johnson
Seoyoung Kweon
William Lin
Enze Alex Liu
Elisa Luo
Eric Mugnier
Sumanth Rao
Keegan Ryan
Tianyi Shan
Laura Shea
Ye Shu
Vikranth Srivatsa
George Sullivan
Amanda Tomlinson
Alisha Ukani
Yibo Wei
Zesen Zhang
MS Students
Tyler Potyondy
BS Students
Ryan Kosta    
Recent Alumni
Stewart Grant (Ph.D. 2024) Roblox
Yibo Guo (Ph.D. 2024) Google
Anil Yelam (Ph.D. 2024) Google
Li Zhong (Ph.D. 2024) Apple

Nishant Bhaskar (Ph.D. 2023) MQ Prime
Ariana Mirian (Ph.D. 2023) Censys
Audrey Randall (Ph.D. 2023) Google
Lixiang Ao (Ph.D. 2022) Databricks
Gautam Akiwate (Ph.D. 2022) Stanford postdoc
Sam Crow (Ph.D. 2022) Meta
Haochen Huang (Ph.D. 2022) Whova
Yizhou Shan (Ph.D. 2022) Huawei Cloud
Bingyu Shen (Ph.D. 2022) Meta
Alex Gamero-Garrido (Ph.D. 2021) NEU pdocUC Davis
Rob McGuinness (Ph.D. 2021) UCSD ECE Postdoc
Chengcheng Xiang (Ph.D. 2021) Meta

Zachary Blanco (M.S. 2023) IBM
Abhishek Vijeev (M.S. 2023) Georgia Tech Ph.D. program
Yudong Wu (M.S. 2023)
Stephan Chenette (M.S. 2021) Co-Founder and CTO AttackIQ
Xuhao Luo (M.S. 2021) UIUC Ph.D. program

Isabel Suizo (B.S. 2022) GoogleCMU Ph.D. program
Jie Jeff Xu (B.S. 2022) Georgia Tech Ph.D. program
Godwin Pang (B.S. 2021) Confluent
Priyal Suneja (B.S. 2021) UW Ph.D. program

Grant Ho (postdoc 2021-2023) University of Chicago
Alex Marder (postdoc 2019-2020, Res. Scientist 2020-2023)Johns Hopkins University

[All Alumni]
Recent News

Yibo Guo July 18— Today Yibo Guo defended his dissertation, "Towards Leaner Data Centers: Energy Efficiency and Carbon Savings through Network Optimization". Yibo is going to be joining Google where he'll contribute to solving their systems and networking challenges. We're proud of you Yibo!

July 15— Today Anil Yelam defended his dissertation, "Flexible, Application-Guided Paging for Far Memory". After a brief, well-deserved break, Anil will be (re-)joining Google full time to improve the efficiency of their AI Hypercomputer--or something like that. Great job, Anil! Anil Yelam

BLE obfuscation July 10— Congratulations to Hadi Givehchian, Nishant Bhaskar, Alexander Redding, Han Zhao, Aaron Schulman, and Dinesh Bharadia for their 2024 IEEE Security & Privacy paper on obfuscating BLE fingerprints. The paper describes a practical approach for preventing attackers from tracking mobile users, effectively fixing a vulnerability they identified in previous work.

Amy Ousterhout June 27— Congrats to Amy Ousterhout and Sysnet affiliate Earlence Fernandes for winning Google Research Scholar awards! Earlence Fernandes

Alex Bellon Alisha Ukani June 7— Sysnet represents for the second year in a row! Congrats to Alex Bellon and Alisha Ukani for sweeping the "Service and Leadership" category of the CSE Doctoral awards and Katherine Izhikevich for winning the Research category for CSE Masters awards (Katherine is joining us a Ph.D. student starting this fall so she's set a high bar to start). Congrats everyone! Katherine Izhikevich

May 23— Congratulations to Stewart Grant for defending his dissertation, "Disaggregated Data Structures: Sharing and contention with RDMA and Programmable Networks". Stew is moving on to Roblox, where he will apply his talents to scaling their virutal environment. Congrats Stew! Stewart Grant

Stefan Savage January 31— Congrats to Stefan Savage, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatick (and Geoff Voelker, the application form only allowed two names) and their students for receiving one of the first Google "Trust and Safety" Research Awards for their work focused on using Large Language Models in scam honeypots. And we hear they wrote the proposal without any help from AI! Taylor Berg-Kirkpatick

Pat Pannuto January 17— Each year the Jacbos School offers awards for faculty demonstrating exceptional Teaching or Mentorship. We were not surprised to learn that Pat Pannuto received the Outstanding Graduate Mentor award (Aaron Schulman having won just last year!) nor that Geoff Voelker received the sole award for "Outstanding Faculty Mentor". We were not surprised, but we are proud! Contrats folks! Geoff Voelker

Christian Dameff and Jeff Tulley October 2— The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) has announced a $9.5 million dollar award to UC San Diego to develop new ways to mitigate ransomware attacks on hospitals. This effort, led by Christian Dameff and Jeff Tulley, is joint between UCSD Health and the UCSD School of Engineering (notably our own Aaron Schulman, Geoff Voelker, and Stefan Savage) and is just the latest to come out of a long standing collaboration in this space. Congrats everyone!

September 11— Congrats to Rajdeep Das and Alex Snoeren for their paper Memory Management in ActiveRMT: Towards Runtime-programmable Switches, which received the Best Paper award at ACM SIGCOMM! Rajdeep Das

Aaron Schulman August 29— Congrats to our own Aaron Schulman for his recent NSF CAREER grant and for his promotion to tenured associate professor. Congrats!
[All News]
Recent Publications

Eden: Developer-Friendly Application-Integrated Far Memory, Anil Yelam, Stewart Grant, Saarth Deshpande, Nadav Amit, Radhika Niranjan Mysore, Amy Ousterhout, Marcos K. Aguilera, and Alex C. Snoeren, Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Philadelphia, PA, April 2025.

Realizing RotorNet: Toward Practical Microsecond Scale Optical Networking, William M. Mellette, Alex Forencich, Rukshani Athapathu, Alex C. Snoeren, George Papen, and George Porter, Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 2024.

Prudentia: Findings of an Internet Fairness Watchdog, Adithya Abraham Philip, Rukshani Athapathu, Ranysha Ware, Fabian Francis Mkocheko, Alexis Schlomer, Mengrou Shou, Zili Meng, Srinivasan Seshan, and Justine Sherry, Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 2024.

DRust: Language-Guided Distributed Shared Memory with Fine Granularity, Full Transparency, and Ultra Efficiency, Haoran Ma, Yifan Qiao, Shi Liu, Shan Yu, Yuanjiang Ni, Qingda Lu, Jiesheng Wu, Yiying Zhang, Miryung Kim, and Harry Xu, Proceedings of the 18th ACM/USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 2024.

Using Honeybuckets to Characterize Cloud Storage Scanning in the Wild, Katherine Izhikevich, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Stefan Savage, and Liz Izhikevich, Proceedings of the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, Vienna, Austria, July 2024.

Unfiltered: Measuring Cloud-based Email Filtering Bypasses, Sumanth Rao, Enze Liu, Grant Ho, Geoffrey M. Voelker, and Stefan Savage, Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW), Singapore, May 2024.

The Double Edged Sword: Identifying Authentication Pages and their Fingerprinting Behavior, Asuman Senol, Alisha Ukani, Dylan Cutler, and Igor Bilogrevic, Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW), Singapore, May 2024.

Practical Obfuscation of BLE Physical-Layer Fingerprints on Mobile Devices, Hadi Givehchian, Nishant Bhaskar, Alexender Redding, Han Zhao, Aaron Schulman, and Dinesh Bharadia, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2024.

Effective Bug Detection with Unused Definitions, Li Zhong, Chengcheng Xiang, Haochen Huang, Bingyu Shen, Eric Mugnier, and Yuanyuan Zhou, Proceedings of the ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Athens, Greece, April 2024.

SuperNIC: An FPGA-Based, Cloud-Oriented SmartNIC, Will Lin, Yizhou Shan, Ryan Kosta, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Yiying Zhang, Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Montery, CA, USA, March 2024. (Best Paper Runner-Up).

Network Topology Facilitates Internet Traffic Control in Autocracies, Eda Keremoğlu, Nils B. Weidmann, Alexander Gamero-Garrido, Esteban Carisimo, Alberto Dainotti, and Alex C. Snoeren, PNAS Nexus 3(3), March 2024.

An Empirical Analysis of Enterprise-Wide Mandatory Password Updates, Ariana Mirian, Grant Ho, Stefan Savage, and Geoffrey M. Voelker, Proceedings of Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Austin, TX, December 2023.

IRRegularities in the Internet Routing Registry, Ben Du, Katherine Izhikevich, Sumanth Rao, Cecilia Testart, Gautam Akiwate, Alex C. Snoeren, and kc Claffy, Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Montreal, Canada, October 2023.

Cornflakes: Zero-Copy Serialization for Microsecond-Scale Networking, Deepti Raghavan, Shreya Ravi, Gina Yuan, Pratiksha Thaker, Sanjari Srivastava, Micah Murray, Pedro Henrique Penna, Amy Ousterhout, Philip Levis, Matei Zaharia, and Irene Zhang, Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Koblenz, Germany, October 2023.

Mira: A Program-Behavior-Guided Far Memory System, Zhiyuan Guo, Zijian He, and Yiying Zhang, Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Koblenz, Germany, October 2023.

A Cloud-Scale Characterization of Remote Procedure Calls, Korakit Seemakhupt, Brent E. Stephens, Samira Khan, Sihang Liu, Hassan Wassel, Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, Alex C. Snoeren, Arvind Krishnamurthy, David Culler, and Hank M. Levy, Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), Koblenz, Germany, October 2023.

Limited Access: The Truth Behind Far Memory, Anil Yelam, Stewart Grant, Enze Liu, Radhika Niranjan Mysore, Marcos K. Aguilera, Amy Ousterhout, and Alex C. Snoeren, Proceedings of the Workshop on Resource Disaggregation and Serverless Computing (WORDS), October 2023.

Crescendo: Towards Real-time, Wide-band, High-fidelity Spectrum Sensing Systems, Raghav Subbaraman, Kevin Mills, Aaron Schulman, and Dinesh Bharadia, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), Madrid, Spain, October 2023.

Make It Real: An End-to-End Implementation of A Physically Disaggregated Data Center, Yiying Zhang, ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 57(1):1-9, 2023.

Ransomware Attack Associated With Disruptions at Adjacent Emergency Departments in the US, Christian Dameff, Jeffrey Tully, Theodore C. Chan, Edward M. Castillo, Stefan Savage, Patricia Maysent, Thomas M. Hemmen, Brian J. Clay, and Christopher A. Longhurst, JAMA Network Open 6(5):e2312270-e2312270, 2023.

TagAlong: Free, Wide-Area Data-Muling and Services, Alex Bellon, Alex Yen, and Pat Pannuto, Proceedings of International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), Newport Beach, CA, 2023.

[All Publications]
Center for Networked Systems (CNS)         Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA)       Center for Wireless Communications (CWC)CWC        San Diego Super Computer Center (SDSC)        California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Cal-IT2) CalIT(2)