Arjun Roy

Arjun Roy

Systems and Networking Group
Computer Science and Engineering
University of California San Diego

arroy at cs dot ucsd point edu
roy dot arjun at gmail point com

Formerly located at:
3142 EBU3B
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla 92093-0404

About Me

I received my PhD in Computer Science at UC San Diego, co-advised by Alex C. Snoeren and Ken Yocum of the Computer Science and Engineering department. My final dissertation was submitted on June 12th, 2018. Before this, I received my Masters in CS at Stanford in 2011, working primarily with Philip Levis. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I received my Bachelors in CS at Columbia University in 2009.

My interests lie in the field of datacenter networking, particularly when it comes to fault detection, localization and mitigation. More broadly, I am also interested in application network performance, network protocol performance and workload characterization.



Sometimes, I fly planes.